Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fall Already

I cant believe it has been since graduation in may that I have updated the blog... time sure does fly! Summer was pretty fun. We took Bridger to a lot of cool places including the zoo, the dinosaur museum, and discovery gateway. I am not looking forward to the cold and not being able to play outside everyday. I passed my boards in july but have yet to find a job. I hope to find a good one soon, or moving out of state may become a serious option.
Bridger has grown so much since we moved here! He was only saying a few words, and now he is talking up a storm. We have definitely hit the terrible 2's! His favorite words are "stop" and "I do it". He has some serious attitude, yet never fails to say something sweet at the end of the day to melt my heart. (like telling everyone including the dogs, and stars, and airplanes "night night")He is also pretty good at counting to 10 and has started to sing parts of the ABC's. I sometimes think he is too smart for his own good, but I always look forward to what to he will say next:)
We went out and took some fall pictures today. They turned out pretty good considering it was raining and we were only out for 20 minutes. I hope we can get more before it starts snowing, but here are a few for now:)

His smile is so contagious

He loves airplanes!


searchin the sky

I love the look he's giving

I think I was holding the back of his
shirt so he'd stay put for 2 seconds:)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Graduation... Finally!!!

Three weeks ago I graduated from Dixie with my nursing degree:)On May 6th We had our Pinning Ceremony where we received our nursing pin. Following the tradition of being pinned by a nurse, I had one of my favorite professors, DeAnne, pin me. After the pinning, our class recited the Nurse's Pledge. The responsibility that I will carry on my shoulders really hit me during this pledge. I hope to keep the highest standards that are expected of nurses and never compromise the care I give for the sake of a short-cut.
May 7th was my actual commencement ceremony. It was really long and sort of boring, but luckily my friends kept me entertained. I cant believe I am already done... now all I have to do is pass boards and find a job:) I am so grateful for all of the help from my family and friends during these last 2 years. I know I wouldn't have made it through school without them. I am one lucky girl!

Being Pinned by DeAnne

Me and Bridger

Me and Kaela

Me & Krissy... one of my great friends

Me and my roommate Mandy... Wouldn't have made it through school without her!

Look out world... great nurses headed your way:)

I have the best family ever

Sunday, April 4, 2010

My Personal Crazies

My wonderful sister, Mikaela, tagged me to share all the things about me that make me "unique". Apparently she thinks I am weirder than her (and I am fairly sure I am). So here is a list of my personal crazies...

1. I, like my sister, have to have my closet color coordinated and everything facing the same way. I dont have to have all white hangers though:)

2. I cant go to sleep if my shower curtain is open. I can see it from where I sleep and it bugs me.

3. I squint when I put on my make-up. I dont know why I do it, but I am sure I will end with premature wrinkles.

4. I think the back of Bridger's neck is adorable... for some reason it reminds of a turtle and I think its so cute.

5. I do Turbo Jam in the morning when my roommate isn't home

6. I cant talk anymore...I swear school has made me dumb. By the end of the day I can barely spit it out.

7. I love Hostess cheese danishes. They have 23% of your daily fat intake, but I eat one every morning before clinicals... hence the weight gain:)

8. I have conversations in my head. I think of a potential conversation I will have during the day and think of how I want it to play out... Crazy!

9.I have food spurts. I eat the same thing everyday until I get sick of it. Right now I am on steak chimichangas from Costco... so good!

10. I drink at least one caffeinated beverage a day. I know its so bad for me, but its the only way I can make it through

11. I love the way Bridger smells. Its unique to him and I could pick it out anywhere. ( I guess its part of my mama bear instincts)

12. The only new year's resolution I've kept is to fold my laundry right when I get it out of the dryer. If I dont, it doesn't get done

13. If I come home to a dark house, I have to check all rooms and cupboards for invaders.

14. I hate doing my hair... it just takes too much time

15. I cant help but laugh when Bridger throws a temper tantrum. I know i shouldn't but its just so funny sometimes:)

That's all I dare to put down for now. Some crazies are just better left unsaid!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Birthday Pics... Finally!

Here are a few of my favorite pics form Bridger's bithday. He was such a character! He did not like having frosting on his hands and refused to continue digging into his cake til he was provided with a spoon:) Proper table manners already...sort of. Opening presents was fun and challenging because he wanted to play with each new toy rather than open another present. I either had to hide the toys (which made him mad) or open the presents myself. It was a fun evening and I am so greatful to have Bridger in my life! 1 year down and forever to go:)

Kissing his new puppy

We need to work on sharing:)

He loved the cake once he had a spoon

Hey You in the Blue... frosting

Sharing his slobbery cake with aunt Kaela

Nothing better than frosting kisses!

Eating cake is serious business

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Quick Update

I have been so bad at posting updates! Between school, Bridger, and both of us getting sick all the time, I have been swamped. My poor little man has had bronchitis, an ear infection, pink eye, and now another nasty cold all in 1 month's time. On top of that he is getting a molar in and has refused to eat for the past few days. I'm taking him in to see his Dr. today to be checked out. I really hope everything is ok with him!!! I still need to post some pics of christmas and his bday, but I have yet to upload most of them to my computer. Here are just a few and I will try to get the rest up soon:)

He wasn't too fond of Santa

Sisterly Love

His choo-choo train bday cake

Refusing to wake up form his nap... unfortunately we had somewhere to be

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Pics of Bridger

This isn't going to be a long post, I just wanted to put up these pics of Bridger that I took for Christmas. I know I'm biased but he just looks so cute:) I'll post about Christmas a little later...

This is one of my favorites

I love his bum in these jeans

Such a happy boy

What a personality

My little angel