Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Birthday Pics... Finally!

Here are a few of my favorite pics form Bridger's bithday. He was such a character! He did not like having frosting on his hands and refused to continue digging into his cake til he was provided with a spoon:) Proper table manners already...sort of. Opening presents was fun and challenging because he wanted to play with each new toy rather than open another present. I either had to hide the toys (which made him mad) or open the presents myself. It was a fun evening and I am so greatful to have Bridger in my life! 1 year down and forever to go:)

Kissing his new puppy

We need to work on sharing:)

He loved the cake once he had a spoon

Hey You in the Blue... frosting

Sharing his slobbery cake with aunt Kaela

Nothing better than frosting kisses!

Eating cake is serious business

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Quick Update

I have been so bad at posting updates! Between school, Bridger, and both of us getting sick all the time, I have been swamped. My poor little man has had bronchitis, an ear infection, pink eye, and now another nasty cold all in 1 month's time. On top of that he is getting a molar in and has refused to eat for the past few days. I'm taking him in to see his Dr. today to be checked out. I really hope everything is ok with him!!! I still need to post some pics of christmas and his bday, but I have yet to upload most of them to my computer. Here are just a few and I will try to get the rest up soon:)

He wasn't too fond of Santa

Sisterly Love

His choo-choo train bday cake

Refusing to wake up form his nap... unfortunately we had somewhere to be