Tuesday, November 25, 2008

He's Definitely Got Personality

My little one may not have a name yet (although I'm determined to hold out for Joshua Steve) but he definitely has personality. I don't know what color his hair is or the color of his eyes, but I can already tell that he is just as stubborn as me. For example, he seems to have taken up camp right underneath the right side of my rib cage. Trust me...its as comfortable as it sounds. Occasionally I give him a gentle nudge to see if he'll move to the other side, and the response I get is a not so gentle nudge right back. I already cant tell him what to do:) A bit of a trouble maker like his daddy? Yep! Example 2: when ever I decide it's break time from studying or time for bed and I lay down, he takes that as his cue to have a party in my belly...again... its as fun for me as it sounds. He continuously does somersaults and kicks in every which way, sending pain shooting down my back accompanied with the immediate urge to pee. Know that's what I call relaxation! Once I get back to work, he goes right back to sleep. When your mother says that you will end up with a kid that is just like you, she's not lying. Lets just hope that mine and Devon's moms are right cause if he's like us, he's gonna be a doll...ok...more like a little trouble maker who knows just what smile to flash to get away with it;)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

School is for Losers

I have decided that school is for losers. Now dont get me wrong. I am all for getting an education and a college degree, but it comes with a price... being a loser. Exhibit A: myself. My typical day revolves around when I go to class and how much studying I have to do. I spend more time at school and in the library than I do at home or with friends. Wait. What friends? I dont have time for friends. The only time I get to be social is...you guessed it.. at school. I talk to my dog more than I talk to any person, and that's only because he's naughty and I have to yell at him all the time (refer to "Zeus" if you think I am being too harsh). My bed time is at around 10 o'clock. Pretty sure the 75 year old man that lives next to me stays up later than that. Even if I do stay up past midnight it's because I am cramming for a test, not because I am involved in a raging house party. The conclusion is simple... I live in the library, I dont have a social life, I talk to my dog more than I do humans, and I go to bed before most of the elderly in the community. Last time I checked, that is the definition of a loser:)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pregnancy & Halloween

I have recently discovered that Halloween and pregnancy dont go well together. Except for the obvious choice (a pumpkin) what is there to dress up as? A pregnant fairy? There aren't too many of those floatin' around even in fiction. The only other optoins that seem logical are a cow, a bear, a whale, or heaven forbid... a bowling ball. Not lovin these choices, especially since they all seem to re-affirm that I have packed on the lbs (even if it is mostly baby). I can just see it now... me in a cow costume sittin' down with my hot chocolate, bowl of chili, and bucket of candy waiting to answer the door for the trick-or-treaters. That scenario just screams self-esteem killer. I guess that just leaves one option... go as my self. Pregnant women are scary enough when you try to take their candy away. No need for a costume. Perhaps I'm just being pessimistic. Why worry about a costume when I have an excuse to eat as much candy as I want all day long? Is there a better holiday, besides Thanksgiving, for a pregnant women? I think not:)

Monday, October 20, 2008


Zeus is the newest edition to our ever growing family. He is a 2 month old German Shepherd puppy, and the recent source of terror in my life. Sure, he's cute as a button, but I think he is missing the "ability to obey" gene. I know puppies are hyperactive chewing machines, but most of them will at least show some sort of remorse when scolded. Not Zeus. Yell at him, and he just barks at you and bites harder the next time. I guess that's what we get for naming him after the Greek god of mythology. All that power has gone to his head! Its a good thing he is as cute as he is and that I love him, or he'd be taking up the newest position of king of the humane society.